My boss was supposed to go on travel to Adelaide to support a multi-nation reaserch program between USA, Canada, UK, and Australia. Unfortunately he injured one of his knees and couldn't go on the trip. I was lucky enough to take his place, and spend just over a week in Adelaide. I managed to get in a couple days of sightseeing around my work schedule.

Just in case...

A view of downtown Adelaide out the window of the airplane flying into the Adelaide Airport.

Sunday afternoon after checking into the hotel, we rode the trolly from downtown Adelaide to a town called Glenelg on the beach about a half hour away. This is a shot of the coast from the end of the pier.

On Wednesday I took a drive with two other people down to Victor Harbor on the Fleurieu Peninsula. We took a little walk along the coastline before reaching Victor Harbor.

At Victor Harbor we walked out onto Granite Island on the causeway. A trolly being pulled by a horse was heading back across as we reached the island.

A view of Victor Harbor from Granite Island.

On Thursday, Dan and I drove to Cape Jervis and took the car to Kangaroo Island on the ferry. On the way to Kangaroo Island...

We narrowly escaped being attacked by ferocious killer penguins...

Our first stop on Kangaroo Island was at Seal Bay where a colony of about 600 Australian Sea Lions live. We took a tour down on the beach and got to get fairly close to the seals.

A couple seals playing in the water.

Some seals playing, and some sleeping.

A young seal asleep on the beach.

After leaving Seal Bay, we stopped at Kelly Hill Caves and took a tour of one of the caves. This was an interesting stalagtight that had started growing up...

Dan and I inside the cave.

View of the South-West coast of Kangaroo Island in the Flinders Chase National Park.

The Remarkable Rocks. We didn't think they were all that remarkable, but I guess they were a bit out of place and fun to play on. If only I had my climbing shoes with me...

Dan sitting against one of the rocks.

I had some fun climbing around on the rocks.

On the way back to catch the ferry, we made one last stop to hike up Prospect Hill to get a view of the surrounding area.